Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Cassidy Soup for the Soul

I have been feeling a bit down lately, so today I decided I should make some chicken noodle soup. Not from a can, but from the odds and ends of chicken and veggies and stuff I had lying around the fridge. I enlisted the help of Cassidy since Keira was taking a nap. Now it's not so much that I needed her help, but that if I don't have her helping, she's more hurting the process. So I started by chopping up some onion and putting it into the pot. Well, Cassidy thought that was pretty cool. So I chopped celery and carrot, put it into a bowl and then she added them to the pot. Everytime we added a new ingredient I would ask her what was in the soup now. She always knew, and never even forgot the garlic which you couldn't really see. She helped me shred the chicken too, although she ate more than she shred, and finally helped me add pasta. Then I decided we needed hearty bread to go with our soup. So we headed out and got a nice loaf from the bread store (and some scones I can't wait to try). When Daddy got home, Cassidy was happy to tell him about making "Cassidy Soup". She had already told me she didn't like chicken noodle, but she readily attempted to eat her "Cassidy Soup". Well, it's a good thing she had eaten all the chicken earlier. Although Keira happily finished Cassidy's bowl, plus part of my bowl, and a slice of bread!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Keira's walking!

Keira has earned the title of 'walker'. I decided to give it to her on January 21st, 2005. (Sorry it didn't get blogged sooner. But mood dictates some of my writing.) It was easy with Cassidy, she just let go and was off. No more interest in crawling at all. Keira is doing things her way and she still thinks crawling is great fun. So she has been teetering along and then will drop and crawl, so I haven't called it walking. She's still dropping to a crawl quite a bit, but she has made a change. She now walks when holding something in her hand. That to me was worthy of the title 'walker'. Now I just have to start potty training her. LOL!!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

All powerful Moms and make-up

It's another two story blog. Sorry, folks, but I don't have the chance to write every day. Besides it makes for interesting titles. :) On Friday Jeremy had an appointment so I had to take Cassidy to school. Things were going well, until we turned a corner and the sun came pouring into the car. Well, Cassidy has no tolerance for sun in her eyes. "Aaahh! You turned the sun on Mom!" Do you know how hard it is to not laugh at that?? "The sun came out from behind the clouds." "No! You turned the sun on!" "I wish I had that power, Cassidy, but I can't turn the sun on." "Yes, you did. You turned the sun on." So perhaps Cassidy is buying into the idea that 'Mom' knows all, sees all, and can yes even control the sun. Let's hope. LOL
Friday night also happens to be 'date night'. When Jeremy and I escape the house of fussing children and hit the town. Usually dinner, as movie times haven't been working out well for us lately. Last night I decided that I should put forth some effort and actually put on make-up. Cassidy was watching me, and I had to answer all the "Why" questions of a toddler. So after awhile (10 minutes of non-stop pleading) I gave Cassidy an old blusher and brush so she could put on make-up too. She did look awful cute with rosy cheeks. All was fine until this morning when she wanted to put on MORE make-up. "No, Cassidy. See, Mommy isn't wearing make-up today. It's a no make-up day." "NO!! I need make-up. It makes me pretty!!" Amazing what kids pick up from a conversation you are just getting through to finish your date preparation.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Life is but a ... stream?

Cassidy has a unique take on song lyrics. For example, "Row, row, row your boat, Life is but a stream." When you think of it, that makes much more sense. Life is a stream for us. Sometimes we run fast, sometimes we bubble along, but always moving. Cassidy is really liking preschool, and I would like to be enjoying my free mornings more, but I keep fighting off whatever colds that Cassidy is bringing home. The change in her schedule has caused more sleep issues, so that Jeremy and I are on edge from lack of sleep. Keira is a wonderful copy cat and learned how to do an ear piercing screaming screech that would make your ears bleed, except our ears are immune thanks to Cassidy. So we are rowing along.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Go Pats!

We had the other Cassidy and her parents over today to watch the playoff game. The New England Patriots thankfully beat the Colts easily so we didn't need to watch the game too closely. The Cassidy's played together very well, and Keira took a nice long nap in the middle of things. It was just a nice day, even if we didn't do a lot. Keira did manage to sneak out about 7 steps, but she is still taking her time. She's not a runner like Cassidy. Perhaps she won't bounce as much either. LOL. Although I doubt it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Keira had her year exam the day after her birthday. Is she walking yet? No, but any day. Is she talking yet? No, but she does make sounds. Suddenly I started to feel a little behind. We get home and Cassidy and she start playing. They are working on the puzzle Cassidy got for Christmas. It has fish with magnets that you fish out of the puzzle. Very cute. Keira is sitting there using the rod to dangle the magnet over the fish and pull up the fish from the puzzle. Wait a minute?! That's pretty complex stuff. Then I think back to Christmas when Cassidy got a doll that takes a bottle to stop her crying and I realize that Keira has been giving the doll her bottle. Well, all that walking and talking stuff might be over-rated when you consider my child's problem solving skills. :) Then she surprised us the next day by saying bye-bye and waving back to us when we said bye-bye. She's made the 'buh' sound before, and with babies they usually repeat the sound several times. So I think she's known this one for awhile, but just made it real obvious that she does know what she's talking about. "Bye-bye"

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Look at My New Shoes

Jeremy's Mum has a story about when she was a little girl she got a new pair of shoes. Some friends had come over for a visit and she decided to show off her new shoes, and came down wearing her shoes...and nothing else. Today, we picked Cassidy up some rain boots. She has been putting them on and taking them off all by herself this morning. This afternoon we had some friends come over. Remember the other Cassidy?? Well, looks like we're getting along swimmingly. About 5 minutes after they left, Cassidy jumped into the living room wearing her new rain boots...and nothing else. Jeremy and I had quite the laugh, and then another laugh as we recalled his Mum's story. Like Nana, like Cassidy I guess.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Happy Meals

Okay, this is like the 20th blog that mentions McDonald's. I'm not sure what it is, but McDonald's causes Cassidy to say/do the funniest things. I was never the all organic type of Mom, and I don't think I'm too bad when it comes to fast food. Really, whatever it is they put in the food there makes my daughter funny. Look into that FDA! So here it is, the story of the Happy Meal.

We had Keira's 1st year doctor visit today, and after we wanted to run to Target to get Cassidy some slippers for her preschool class (no shoes inside the classroom). So we decided to swing by McDonald's on the way there. Jeremy places the order, "A number 5 meal with diet coke. Chicken Selects. And a Happy Meal with chicken and apple juice." Seems easy enough. Some questions about whether the toy was for a boy or girl, and we were off. As we cruise towards Target Cassidy calls from the backseat, "Mommy, you are having a Mean Meal and Daddy you are having a Sad Meal." Excuse me? Did she just say that? Jeremy, "Is that because you're having a Happy Meal?" "Uh-huh." So beware consumer, only one 'Happy' meal per car. Although I think I like the Mean Meal better than the Sad Meal.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Happy Birthday Keira!

Keira turned one today, but without much ado. We are recovering from colds, and I have it the worst. So no cake, no ice cream, just a rousing hoarse chorus of Happy Birthday at breakfast this morning. Jeremy determined that we should celebrate this weekend when all are feeling better. The big news is that Cassidy started preschool on Monday. When I walked her into the classroom, the teacher prompted Cassidy to say "Goodbye to mommy". Cassidy waved at me and turned her back without looking back. What a trooper! The weather has turned quite cold and her first day we didn't send her with her thick jacket. I wasn't too worried until I was in the parent orientation and found out that they head outside to play, a quick look at my watch and I realized she had been playing outside for 30 minutes. uh-oh. Bu the time I got out of the meeting, it had been 45 minutes in the 30 something day. She was a little ice-pop!! Today she had her jacket and was much happier.