Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Power to the People
Today was a long day. I had Shawna and the boys over to play in the yard as it is about to start raining for 6 days or so. The combo of all 5 kids was enough to exhaust me. The girls were fed and the kitchen was clean by the time Jeremy got home (which is quiet an achievement I must say), and when he called to say he was on his way I informed him that I would be 'tagging out'. Jeremy got the girls down and we had just settled down to watch World Series of Poker when the power went out. Well, we wouldn't let a little power outage stop us. Jeremy pulled out his portable DVD player and we put on Jerry Maguire. So as Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding are hoping into a taxi, the battery runs out. Noooo!!! I am incomplete now. So I let the dog out, but Mischief runs out too, and they both ran off into the dark. *grumble* We got the candles going upstairs and then I go out for my last check to bring them in for the night. Buddy came running, but no Mischief. Jeremy went for a drink of water and did one last check for Mischief. She cmae in, with a mouse in her mouth!! Imagine a flashlight as your only light source to try and capture a little tiny scurrying mouse. Ack! The flashing light and quick change in camera angle would make you motion sick faster than Blair Witch. Jeremy finally caught the mouse (my hero) and took it way far away from the house. We finally get upstairs and settled when the lights flash on and the TV flicks on.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Farming Twins
Friday we headed out to a small farm with some other moms from my Mothers & More group. It was a blast. The girls went on a hay ride, and played with seeds, and picked out some gourds. We will probably go back to pick out pumpkins soon as they had the best looking stuff. I thought I would tell everyone that the red heads were mine, but there were a ton there. 2 red head boys in our group and then another red head mom with her 2 red headed children. Not that was crazy, but when I looked at her oldest, my jaw almost hit the floor. It was like looking back in time. Cassidy's doppelganger. Her name is Hayden, and she lives here, and at least we've met her once. Here's a pic. Which is Cassidy?? LOL

Saturday, September 17, 2005
Selfish Stores
I went out with my friend Shawna and her 3 boys on Thursday. Cassidy was in preschool for the DAY, so we threw an extra car seat in Shawna's minivan, and headed out. We went to a couple of outlet furniture stores after we had some lunch. And at the last store, the kids and us were getting tired. As we were walking around, her 4 yr old announced he had to go pee. So Shawna went to go find the bathroom. When she returned she was not too happy, as they would not allow him to use their bathroom, but sent them over to the Starbucks across the parking lot. Bradley I'm sure asked why they had to go and Shawna explained that the store was being selfish and not sharing their bathroom. We headed over to look at some of the furniture and there were signs posted saying, 'Adults only'. Shawna had had it (and so had I). She announced, "C'mon kids. Let's leave this child unfriendly store.) As we roll out the front door, Bradley leans back in and asks the lady working there, "Are you selfish for not sharing your bathroom?" Don't let a 4 yr old hear it if you don't want it repeated.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Birthday Party Ins and Outs
So, you think you can handle a 2 hour birthday party for a preschooler? The highlights follow. We arrive a little late, so already you are down to 1 hour and 45 minutes. It's at a place that features blow-up bouncy houses, obstacle courses and slides. Sound easy, until your 20 month old goes into the obstacle course and you have to follow her through to make sure she doesn't fall off the climbing wall and break her neck. Repeat 3 times. At some point enters the Don Juan of the class. He is wearing stylish jeans and a button up shirt, that has a few buttons undone to reveal his gold chain. The family is Latino, so that's not crazy, but when I caught the whiff of his cologne (which was good, btw) as he passed by me (on lap 2 of obstacle course) I couldn't help but wonder who it was for. (Thankfully Cassidy has told me on several occasions that she doesn't like him.) ;) When you finally get your little one out of the obstacle course, it is to the slide. Which is about 25 feet high. Your 3.5 year old comes up and says she's thirsty with only an hour left to go. You head out and get a drink and pray that the end is apporaching. Shouldn't there be pizza soon?? You walk back in to find that they are posing for a photo, you get your 3.5 year old set up and look around for the baby. Oh, there she is climbing the slide that all the kids are sitting at the base of. The laugh that went up when she skids and does a roll before landing in the pile of kids! Finally, pizza time. Then it's cake time. Woohoo! The end is in sight. Wait a minute, did someone say pinata? Finally, time to grab your favor bag and a balloon and head out the door. Sounds like the ordeal is over, but you have to take back your sugared up kids home!!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Madame President Cassidy
Yesterday our family participated in something frivilous, we went for a drive. With gas prices at and over $3/gal our 45 minute jaunt was needed though. When the kids are buckled up they can't get into trouble and for some reason they stay pretty quiet in the car, so Jeremy and I can actually have a conversation. As our drive started, Cassidy wanted a visor in her window to block the sun, and later, she took it out. Then immediately complained about the sun, and how Mommy took it out. I think there was even a 'Mommy ruined it' as I tried to put the visor back in place. Jeremy and I laughed as she denied the truth in front of her, and I turned to him and said, "Do you think we have the 1st woman president of the United States in the car?" We went on to discover, that she could do the job now. .... Iraq, you invaded Kuwait, go sit on the naughty stool for 3 minutes. No, no crying, and before you get off say sorry and give Kuwait a hug. .... Middle East peace would be no problem if they had Cassidy around. "Palestine, why don't you like Israel?" 'You see, it goes back thousands of years.' "Why?" 'That is a good question. My father is a Muslim and their mother is a Jew and that is why we don't like them.' "Why?" 'We have different beliefs.' "Why?" 'You are starting to make sense. I ask myself that sometimes.' Eventually, they would have to give in to stop her from asking. ..... You have some new policy change. 'Ms. President Cassidy, listen to this great idea that a lobbyist has.' "No! You listen to MY words!" .... As long as China doesn't figure out to ship her all the latest toys and Belgium doesn't send her choclates to distract her it might work out. I'm voting Cassidy in 2008!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Another McDonald's story!!
Keira has been talking up a storm. And at least we know what she doesn't like. We can ask her if she wants juice, and she will say, "No no no." She also says "Ank you" when you give her something, my personal favorite. And she even offers to share her food, but more often asks to share yours with the ever popular, "Bite". Of course, what good blog entry of mine wouldn't include something on McDonald's. I swear I should contact them and see about getting paid for my cute stories. Today Cassidy has a terrible cold, and so Jeremy picked up dinner on the way home. While Cassidy was picking at her fries, she asked Jeremy if he liked the brown ones, and held up an overcooked nub of a fry. Jeremy said no, and Cassidy took a bite, and announced, "Yummy, de-lic-ious!" Then she handed the rest to Jeremy and said, "It's a little bit yucky, but it's very not bad." Let me know if you figure out what that means. LOL
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