Monday, May 29, 2006
Yummy yummy marshmallow eater Puffin Noonan
Phew, what a weekend! We went to see Cirque De Soleil's Varekai yesterday. The girls LOVED it. Cassidy asked to see it again today, until she remembered she was having a play date with her best friend. We dropped her off for a couple of hours and then came back to chat with the parents for a few before the tearful goodbye. The play date ended with Cassidy buckled in the car, asking to roll down the window so she could scream out, "I LOVE YOU, ANGELINA" with tears streaming down her face. The loooong weekend came to a close by Cassidy asking to read Jeremy and I a story tonight. It was a book titled, 'Welcome back, Puffin'. A brief synopsis follows. Puffin was flying back to her home, carrying her imaginary friends, who called Puffin "Plane". A lengthy description of the colors of the imaginary friends followed. Finally the baby puffin arrived, who ate 20 fish and 20 salami. Then when baby puffin was left all alone, he had to name himself. He thought, "I like marshmallows, so I will call myself, 'Yummy yummy marshmallow eater' for my first name. 'Puffin' for my middle name and 'Noonan' for my last name." At which point Jeremy and I started laughing and our interest in the story increased. Turns out Y.Y.M.E.P.N. went back to the ocean and ate 20 fish, he was also hunting salami when a shark came and ate the salami. It ended well when more salami showed up and the puffin ate that. The End.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Never leaving the nest...maybe
It is HOT. Okay, by our standards, 85 is HOT. The girls were very fussy today because of the heat, and it was a bit tough to get them down. I laid down with Cassidy for a few minutes, at which point she told me, "Mommy, I want to stay here forever. I don't want to leave our house. I want to live with our family for ever and ever." I told her she could stay as long as she wanted. We'll have to wait and see how this one turns out.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Mothers Day

The girls were kind enough to pose with me this morning. We had a BEAUTIFUL day today, and decided to head to the zoo. The girls had a ton of fun, as did I. Jeremy did great by doing most of the kid wrangling. Then we did some yard work in the early afternoon, followed up by a trip to Trader Joe's. It was quite the busy day. Keira fell asleep on the ride home with a book over her, and that pic is posted below this one. Happy Mother's Day!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
What will your Honey-dew....
if you Cantaloup? Now that warmer weather is upon us, we are enjoying some warm weather fruits. Like melon. Cassidy LOVES melon. Now when I say she LOVES it, I am not understating it by any means. I bought two melons last week and she single handedly ate 1/4 of a GIANT honeydew, that after she ate about 1/4 of a cantaloup. You think she would be done with melon for a bit, but she still wanted it in her lunch the next day, and for dessert that night.
I had a conference with Keira's teacher this week. She informed me that Keira doesn't talk at school. She doesn't say "No" or "Mine", which made me laugh out loud. Anyone who has ever talked to me on the phone with Keira in the same room knows that Keira knows how to say those, quite loudly too.
I had a conference with Keira's teacher this week. She informed me that Keira doesn't talk at school. She doesn't say "No" or "Mine", which made me laugh out loud. Anyone who has ever talked to me on the phone with Keira in the same room knows that Keira knows how to say those, quite loudly too.
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