Last weekend was the End of Year Party for Cassidy's school. My brother, Kaleb, was in town for the weekend, so he joined us for the event. Of course, it's my brother, so he couldn't resist stirring things up. He got Cassidy to return his "moose ears" along with her best friend Angelina. I didn't realize I was going to catch them in the act with the photo, but it is fun. She did a great preformance for Nana and Grampa before we went, and even sang the songs again the next day for Grandpa Oma for Father's Day. Much to my Dad's dismay, I think, Cassidy remembered all the versus of It's a Small World, and since I interrupted her she started over. Kaleb, Christy and Ariannah were in town for a baseball game. Although Ariannah was in town to stay with her cousins while her parents went to the game. The girls had a great time together. Cassidy was busy trying to give hugs to her little cousin, Keira was busy trying to protect her toys, "No, mine" and Ariannah was just doing her own thing, "Bahwwl" as she pointed out every ball in the house. We had them over for brunch on Father's Day and Cassidy almost started crying when it was time for her little cousin to go. It's a world of laughter, it's a world of tears. It's a world of hopes and a world of fears. There's so much that we share that it's time we're aware that it's a small world after all.