The girls school closed down for a week for "Mid-winter break" At first I thought they must be kidding with how many days of school the kids have missed thanks to snow and power outages. Then we scrambled to make arrangements for a vacation. A real vacation. The kind where we don't have a wedding to attend, or papers to sign, or a house to sell. Wow! What a difference! We headed to my parents place and settled the girls in for a couple of days, then we packed up and headed to Las Vegas. No kids! We had a great time. We slept for 8 hours, uninterrupted! We went hiking, and on the car ride we didn't have to yell into the back seat. We went shopping, and didn't have to say, "No, we don't need a Princess *insert noun here*" We went out to dinners and didn't have to worry about what time to get back for the babysitter. Basically, it was a lot of fun. And it was nice to remember what life was like before kids. It's amazing, how much time they take up in our life and in our minds. Even without them, we thought of them often. One of the highlights from Vegas was meeting up with my college roomie's (Hi, Gayle) older sister (Hi, Aileen). She works for Wynn, and she hooked us up with dinner our first night in town. It started the whole Vegas 'experience' off with style. The next night Jeremy went to play in a poker tournament, and Aileen allowed me to tag along with her at work. She took me to the VIP room and then to dinner with some of her friends. I had a fantastic time laughing, talking and eating. It was a ton of fun to be myself and not be "Mom" "wife" or "Senior Chemist". Hmm....although none of those titles is too bad. I think the best part of the trip has been that I am energized and ready for life again. So this Senior-Mom-Chemist-Wife can get back to the real world!