Thursday, May 17, 2007

Scary Nuns and the uncommon cold

The girls have been watching the movie Mulan a lot lately. It takes place in China, and has the Huns breaking through the Great Wall. We had it on in the car last week, and we here Keira in the back seat, "Scary. Scary Nuns." And they've never gone to Catholic school!

I had the worst cold last week. It was a sore throat that didn't go away for 5 days. Ugh! Lost my voice for 3 days. Kaleb, Christy and Ariannah were supposed to come up last weekend, but we had to cancel due to us perhaps being contagious still. Which we were. Keira has come down with it now. She seems to know that she's got it bad and trying to take advantage. This morning, after she woke up and said her 'tote' hurt, she informed us "I no go to school today, I sick".

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Keira has really kicked up her language. She likes talking now, which is good because she needs to practice, but bad because she likes to talk... a lot. And she is a bit repetitive right now, "Mommy, mommy, mommy. Buddy ate my crayon." Although I may have missed a few reps of Mommy in there.

Cassidy and I were chatting on Sunday morning and she said, "Mom, when I grow and become an adult, if I move into my own house, will you promise to not forget me? Don't forget that I'm your daughter?" Does she know how to pull the heart strings or what??

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Do you know the Muffin Man?

Cassidy has been coming up with some creative stuff lately. This morning, I asked if we should go get some muffins. "Yeah! Let's go see the muffin man" And me trying to be cheeky said, "Do you know the muffin man?" "Yes, he works at Costco." "Don't you mean he works on Drury Lane?" "No, that's the one in the song. The real muffin man works at Costco." Now, I'm confused, so I ask "What does he look like?" "He has things all in his hair that are blue, like blueberries. They are delicious." ....really? Then later, she starts talking on her phone, and asks me to be quiet because she's talking to magic people. "You mean pretend people" "No, real people who are magic. What? Oh, it's my Mom. I had to tell you are real and magic."

At music class last week, they read a book that we have at home about dinosaurs and manners. One of the important things was that you have to try at least one bite of new food. Cassidy pipes in, "And if you eat three bites (holding up her fingers to emphasize the three) you can have dessert." Hope those other kids don't remember that.