Friday, August 27, 2004
Musical Notes
Cassidy has always had a love for music. She loves to listen to different types (although she has preferred bluegrass, a tribute to her NC birth) and is fascinated by different instruments. So when she found a harmonica last week, it was no surprise that it became her favorite toy. It's cute the first few minutes, but loud harmonica does get tiring after awhile. So while she was in her 10th minute of playing loudly I decided to pull a Mom technique called distraction. I just happened upon a spider in the bathroom and knew that would get her attention. "Cassidy, come look at the spider." Sure enough the harmoica ended and Cassidy came running in to say "Hi, spider. How are you?" Ha ha, Chalk one up for Mom- but wait, what was that she just said. "You want harmonica, spider?" and the pitter patter of her feet running. Could it be? Yes, next thing I know she's playing harmonica to the little guy. Well, I wouldn't call it a backfire because it turned out to be one of the cutest things I've seen. By the way, I haven't seen the spider since. I'm guessing he decided to move to a quieter house.