All you have to do is take your kids out into public around here, and someone will offer to take them off your hands. Either free of charge, or offering you money. Exhibit A) While strolling the mall with Cassidy after we first moved, an older couple was crossing our path when the gentleman said, "I'll give you a million dollars for her." We did the polite smile and laugh, but I'm pretty sure he was serious. Exhibit B) Nothings says healthy baby like shopping at Trader Joe's, and while doing some shopping yesterday an older woman going for the grannie look asked Cassidy if she could take her baby. Imagine! Little Keira was all decked out in fuzzy pink, so she was adorable. Well, Cassidy said yes, but thankfully I was there to do the polite laugh and quickly stroll away.
**Just in case someone is dim enough to not realize, I don't think people are trying to take the girls. Just thought it sounds funnier in a story.**