Friday, December 17, 2004
How to start your own business in one week
Once we moved to Washington we realized why fleece is so popular out here. A) It's cold. B) It rains. We had some problems going for walks with Cassidy though. She would always kick off her blanket and it would fall under stroller getting caught up in wheels or dragged through puddles. Makes it so you don't want to put it on your baby anymore. So I came up with a "sock" to put over her that wouldn't fall off. I was so amazed that I couldn't find what I wanted in the stores. Well, Jeremy and I talked about trying to make it and how we could sell it, etc. Then we were moving into our house and then oops! 'out of commission' for the next year. Well, this fall, I busted out Cassidy's old "sock" for Keira. Again, amazed that no one had put it out there yet. So on Tuesday I whipped up a new and improved version. Which caused Jeremy to REALLY start talking about how to get them on market. I threw out the ever optimistic, "Yeah, but how do you find the place to make them and to do all the stuff that needs to get done?" Well, I threw down the gauntlet and Jeremy took the challenge. We have a web site reserved, a trademark registered, samples coming from fleece and tag companies, pricing for sewing contracts, and packaging options. How did this happen?? I'll post a link and some pictures soon. And I expect everyone to order one for every baby and pregnant woman they know!