Wednesday, April 13, 2005
One of those Mornings!
So we are still in the process of recovering from a visit by my brother-in-law. The 3 adults spent way too much time playing cards and staying up late talking politics. So last night I should have gone to bed early to help the recovery process, but I headed out to a Mothers & More meeting. It was a good one and I had a fantastic time, but.... it has turned into 'one of those mornings'. I guess it actually started last night when Cassidy woke up crying and asking for milk, and Jeremy said no, which caused screaming fits. Then he did the 'swap' which usually involves one haggard parent barking at the other haggard parent, "It's YOUR turn" in their nastiest voice. She eventually made it in to bed with us, where we slept as well as can be expected. Until the 5 am wakeup call from Keira, who was hungry b/c she didn't get the snack I suggested before heading off to my meeting. The night wasn't restful, and the sun only brought the harshness of the day. Just the highlights (although I guess they are lowlights): Keira screaming b/c she dropped her snacks on the floor and the dog ate them, Banging my head on countertop while picking up dropped snack bowl, The dog bringing me a half full yogurt in the living room, The girls screaming while I'm on the toilet (thankfully when I did get to check they were just playing in drawer with crayons and books), Coming downstairs to find out what Keira was doing with the crayons from the drawer! And it's only 10am!!!