Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The latest preschool fad

Cassidy's preschool schedule has been reduced. She was staying 4 days 9-3 and Fridays 9-12, but she couldn't cut it. Seems she was getting too tired in the afternoons. Was taking a rest in the book corner and was fussy and was not doing any work. So we reduced her to two full days instead of four. Today I picked her up early, so it was a LONG afternoon. While waiting for Jeremy to get home, I decided to have a glass of wine while the girls ate dinner. Well deserved. Cassidy wanted a juice box. I asked her if the other kids at school got juice boxes. "Yeah, but not all of them." "What do the other kids have?" "Angelina has milk!" "Oh." "And some kids have wine." "Oh really?" The same kids who have boob jobs for graduation presents is my guess.