Wednesday, November 02, 2005
We had quite a busy Halloween. The morning was peaceful, but then things picked up. Keira and I picked up Cassidy then headed home for lunch. After that it was time to take baths and get costumes on. Cassidy was Strawberry Shortcake (we even washed her hair with Strawberry shampoo in case anyone checked) and Keira was Strawberry's li'l sis Apple Dumpling. Well, it turns out only the hard core Strawberry fans know that, but they were still darn cute. We headed in to Jeremy's work for a quick round of trick-or-treating. Which was quite fun for Cassidy, but frustrating for Keira. She got the idea of taking candy, but didn't want to stop at 1. So every time we made her move on she would throw a fit until we got to the next bowl. We had some punch and then headed home. We only visited a few houses as it was raining. Keira did much better about going to doors, and Cassidy did great saying, "Trick-or-Treat". They managed a few Thank-you's too.