Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Bye-bye Kitty
This is a hard entry to write, although I have been thinking about it almost every day for a week. Mischief had to be put down last week. She's been with me for over 10 years, and that's almost as long as I've had Jeremy. She had lost weight, but otherwise seemed fine, but she was hiding cancer. We had just went through an ordeal with the other cat losing weight, but she ended up being just fine. So perhaps it was the timing that led us into a false sense of security. It was tough for me, but I knew it was the right thing to do. That doesn't stop the tears, and then I had to face the girls. Cassidy knew Mischief was going to the vet and that she was sick. Now I had some explaining to do. "Mischief had lots of owies and we couldn't fix them so we gave her some medicine so she would sleep and she could die." "But they have medicine for owies, and they could give her that." "No. They don't have medicine for this kind of owie. If they did, the vet would have given it to her." "She's dead?" "Yes." "I miss Mischief." "Me too, honey. Me too."