Saturday, November 25, 2006
Christmas Lights and Wasps
Let me start with the statistics. November has been the wettest month EVER in Seattle recorder history. This November. Ever in Seattle. The weekend before Thanksgiving there was a pause in the rain, so we rushed out to put up Christmas lights. Like all good kids, our girls were wanting to help, by climbing the ladder and stepping on the lights. So we were pleased when they went around to the back of house to play. I thought I heard crying once, so I went to check on the girls. Cassidy informed me they were playing 'lost' and both were happy. So just as we are on the last part of the house lights, I hear crying again. Go around and Cassidy is fine, but Keira is holding her hand crying. I ask her what happened and she said, "Oww." So I am trying to see what she did to her hand when she says "Oww" again, and I look up and see the swarm of wasps around us. ACKK!!! Sweep her up in my arms and run around to front of house. Jeremy gets us in house, and then says, "There's a wasp in her hair." Then another one. Finally we get her clothes off and all the wasps out of the house. After about an hour of crying she finally settled. I think she got about a dozen stings on her legs and thankfully seemed to be over it the next morning. Maybe we'll just leave the lights up this year.