We hit up the CA state fair today. Ashley treated us to our tickets and we finally got to meet baby Everett. It was great fun! Amazingly we stayed for over 6 hours. We hit up the rides early on, while it was cool. Keira loved the ferris wheel, but Cassidy was not so happy with it. Thankfully Ashley was with Keira, so they got to enjoy the ride, while Cassidy and I got off early. They then hit up the dragon roller coaster, and somehow that was okay. After lunch, which included a deep fried Twinkie, we headed to see the fuzzy and furry animals. We took a monorail ride over, under and through the fair. After that it was time for a turkey drumstick and funnel cake. We headed out after that. We were really happy with how well the girls did, and it was fun to go with 'family' who helped us watch the girls so we could eat and talk and really enjoy the day.