Cassidy has started kindergarten. She was a bit nervous about the new school and not knowing anyone. Mostly she was worried that they were going to do "hard works". She was a bit confused when the bell went off, but held her teachers hand and led the class, skipping, down to their classroom. She was bouncing when I picked her up as well. She had one a prize for doing well, and she picked a medal. Then she told me that if we have any old toys that we don't want anymore we should bring them in for the toy prizes. "So you had a good day?". "No!" She also told me that she didn't get to play that much, "only during free time, which wasn't long at all". Then she had to do some "hard work". Writing her name and the letter A, Big A and little a, "a bunch of times". "There was a bowl with a spoon and I had to circle all the big A's, and another bowl and spoon and I had to circle all the little A's." She shakes her head, and puts her hand to her forehead.
Later on, someone asked if it was a hard work because she found it hard to do, or if it was because it was easy. She replied quickly, "It was easy". I knew she would need to adjust some, but overall I think she likes it. Jeremy asked her, "How was your first day of kindergarten?" She replied, "Stupid." I just grinned and Jeremy had the look of dread, since his Mum loves to tell the story of Jeremy having a "dumb" day. Gifted children! What are you going to do?