Wednesday, March 05, 2008

She's growing up!

Can you guess who just turned 6? Things have been very busy around here. Cassidy had the week off of school, and Keira had just a couple of days off. But... the stomach bug had other plans. Keira ended up with it, and had it for the entire week. Oma and Grandpa took Cassidy to Lake Tahoe for her birthday. Cassidy came home to presents and cupcakes. Yum! The next day, I came down with the stomach bug. Blech! Jeremy also got it, but Cassidy got a birthday wish and missed getting it! Yeah! For her party we did a pirate princess theme. Little girls in princess dresses hunted for treasure using maps and had to unlock a chest to get at the booty which was put into their goodie bags. It was a lot of work, and a lot of fun.

You know your kid is growing up to be a good person when the kindergarten teacher uses her as an example. For Dr. Seuss's birthday her teacher read the story about the Sneetches. Who seperated themselves because some had stars on their bellies and others didn't. The teacher asked the class what the story was trying to teach us. I missed Cassidy's answer (I was in the classroom getting prepared to do projects with the kids), but I did hear when the teacher said, "That was well said, Cassidy. Would you please stand up and tell the class what you said again?" Cassidy said, "Well, it's that we shouldn't decide if we like someone by how they look on the outside. It's what's inside that is important." Now if only adults could really think like a 6 year old. Well, my 6 year old. This Mommy is beaming with pride.
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