If you are weak of stomach (aka, my brother), perhaps you should skip this blog. It is all about Poop. We will start with the funny and end with the gross. In the process of 'potty training' you point out everyone and thing that goes pee pee and poop to help your child understand that it's a natural process. For example, you point out that your dog is going poop. Little did we know our little angel would become obsessed with poop. It turned out to be her best friend. She would go over and look at the poop, then run and shout, "Come on, poop, let's go!" Or she would point out things like, "See, poop, look at the airplane. Do you see the airplane, poop?" Very cute, if not slightly emabarassing as a 2 year old's voice is loud and carries. Who knows what the neighbors thought!
Now Keira's dealings with poop have been more of the 'explosive' in nature. She has several times gone through 3 clothes changes before lunch. As Cassidy had probably 3 incidents where she 'exploded' it was a shocker to have a baby so adept at shooting it out the back. We have become used to her incidents and only need a few minutes to clean her up now. And then, there was this morning. *begin dramatic music* It was a quiet morning, Keira had been snoozing in bed with Mommy and Daddy, when Cassidy came in asking for breakfast. We put Keira in her crib and all headed downstairs. After a few minutes I heard some happy noises from upstairs, so I blissfully went up to retrieve my sweet baby. When I walked in, everything seemed to be fine, and then I saw it. It was down her leg, up her tummy, and I was walked in to the room, I saw all over her back! And when I say all over her back, I mean the back of her shirt was Crayola color 'baby-poo'. I'm assuming from how it had soaked into the bumper that she was leaning against it when she did the deed.
As a mother of two still in diapers I could have filled several entries with stories of poop, but I think this covers the range and I'll leave it at this.