Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Sacramento Visit
Well, we headed off to Sacramento for the weekend despite both girls having colds and Jeremy coming down with it too. The entire trip was for the girls to see their great-grandpa. Which they did on Sunday, as well as my Aunt Kathy, my cousin Teague, and Sam and Dee. It was great for Jeremy and I. A few hours of talking and swimming with no worries about what the girls could be getting in to. It was fantastic! When everyone was leaving, Oma and Grandpa had to head out for a bit too. Good thing as Cassidy told them, "Goodbye Oma and Grandpa. Get out." I guess she needed some quiet time after all that. Under the category of kids say the darndest things: Cassidy woke up yesterday morning, and her tummy was making a lot of noise, so I told her to tell Daddy to get her breakfast. So she said to him, "Daddy, get up and get me breakfast." Jeremy said, "Ok, can you say 'Get me breakfast please'?" Cassidy responded, "No! No, please. Get me breakfast." We had a great visit, and it was just enough to make us think about visiting again.