Saturday, October 28, 2006

Pumpkin Patch Part 2

Keira's classroom had their pumpkin patch picnic last weekend. It was quite chilly, but the sun broke out. The girls and I did a corn maze, which was starting to get a bit long towards the end. I was nervous I would be trapped in there forever. I find the toddler class activities a bit more difficult as the parents are all trying to wrangle the little ones. Still it was a lot of fun.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006

I must be getting old

How do you know when you are getting old? Did it start when I got married? Had kids? Maybe it was when I started needing glasses to read. Although I'm guessing it was when I was driving home this week. I turned on *gasp* NPR. There's nothing wrong with NPR, but you must admit there is something "old" about it. Especially when you find yourself humming along to the filler music. What??!! I so was not humming along!!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Pumpkin Picking - Day One

Today was Cassidy's classroom pumpkin patch potluck picnic. Say that three times fast. We had a great time picking out gourds, going on a hay ride and socializing with our classroom friends. Here's a shot of her and her friends as we we headed out to the pumpkin patch on the hay ride. Next week we will do another pumpkin patch for Keira's class. I'm sure we'll have more photos then.
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