Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A nice easy hike

We visited Oma at Lake Tahoe last weekend. We decided to go for a hike, something nice and gentle, so the girls would remain in okay spirits. It was crowded and it took us quite awhile to find a parking spot and then we headed on to quote my Mom "an easy hike". Notice the steps. This was after the first switchback that looked almost the same. We made it up to a waterfall and the girls even got to slush in some left over snow. It was a beautiful hike, but I'm not sure it qualifies as easy.
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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Self stylist

Keira has a little red haired girl in her preschool class. She has bangs. Keira did not. Until right before this picture. It was quite in the house, which is usually the first sign that something is going on. Jeremy went into the bathroom to find her with a pair of scissors and some hair in her hand. He thought is was just that little bit of hair until he saw the trash can. We thought we were going to have to take her to get it 'fixed' until we brushed it out. And realized, she gave herself a decent hair cut.
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