Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Sleep Diaries

I'm noticing a trend in some of the blog entries, since I often feel like writing when the girls mess up thier sleep habits. Instead of calling people and begging for sympathy, I just sort of throw it out in cyber-space so it's out of my system and I can take a nap at some later hour instead of calling folks. LOL. Cassidy is mostly over her cold, but last night Keira decided to get it. She had been fighting off a runny nose all afternoon so it wasn't a huge surprise. We had a nice relaxing evening, both girls down by 6:00 so we could watch the Red Sox win game 3 of the World Series undisturbed. After the game was over is when it all started. Keira woke up around 9:15, stuffy and miserable. Nothing made her happy. Jeremy, who is a kind and loving husband, decided to take her downstairs so I could get some rest. Then around midnight, only a short hour or so after Jeremy got her down, she was up again. I took my chance to be kind and let him sleep. Well, it didn't last long as Cassidy woke up. We swapped kids about 30 minutes later. About 2 hours later when Cassidy was still not asleep and she wanted to go talk to Daddy, I chased her in to our bedroom. Thankfully, he and Keira were asleep. So I managed to get Cassidy back to her bed for a few more minutes before she went and woke up Dad, who put Keira back down and then took Cassidy to bed...again. So a breif 30 minutes later, Keira's up again. Now it's 3:30 am and I've had about 10 minutes off and on since 12:30!! Thankfully, Keira ate and went right backk down. But the noise was enough to have Cassidy up and have a rather loud conversation about drinking water with her Dad. So we all ended up downstairs for a few minutes. I think it was about 30 minutes later before I didn't hear Cassidy make any more noises. And, of course, Keira was up at her normal time this morning, 7:00 on the dot, and Cassidy just wandered down at 8!! It's going to be a long day!

Monday, October 25, 2004

Getting ready for Hawaii

We leave on Thursday morning to Maui for Ashley's wedding. Friday night Cassidy came down with a cold, so this weekend was a whirlwind of trying to get things done, wiping noses and packing. Thankfully I don't need shorts and swimsuits right now, so our clothes are packed and we are ready to go. Highlights from our weekend.

Jeremy said to Cassidy, "Wow, you are so smart." Cassidy replied, "I AM so ... sm..smort."

Keira has been eating solid foods quite happily. She gets very excited when she sees a Cheerios box, and has become quite demanding when she sees us eating food. Last night she was letting us have it so she could have some quesedilla. She would hold on to Jeremy's leg and bounce and make grumble noises until he ripped off another piece of tortilla.

We don't know for sure yet if we will be posting more from Hawaii, but I'm sure we will have tons of stories and pictures when we get back.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Seattle, WA: Hot spot for black market babies

All you have to do is take your kids out into public around here, and someone will offer to take them off your hands. Either free of charge, or offering you money. Exhibit A) While strolling the mall with Cassidy after we first moved, an older couple was crossing our path when the gentleman said, "I'll give you a million dollars for her." We did the polite smile and laugh, but I'm pretty sure he was serious. Exhibit B) Nothings says healthy baby like shopping at Trader Joe's, and while doing some shopping yesterday an older woman going for the grannie look asked Cassidy if she could take her baby. Imagine! Little Keira was all decked out in fuzzy pink, so she was adorable. Well, Cassidy said yes, but thankfully I was there to do the polite laugh and quickly stroll away.

**Just in case someone is dim enough to not realize, I don't think people are trying to take the girls. Just thought it sounds funnier in a story.**

Friday, October 15, 2004

Bubble gum for Breakfast

A 2.66 yr old sure has funny ideas about what is good for breakfast, BUT sometimes you let them decide. Back story: Tuesday we started heavy with toilet training and yesterday (Thursday) morning I told Cassidy that if she went on toilet all day she could have ice cream. Well, that motivated her, and she did it! Unfortunately, she passed out on our bedroom floor before we could get the ice cream. I slipped on a diaper and put her in bed. Well, at 4 am, Cassidy came in and woke us up, she told Daddy she had to go and they went to toilet and she went back to bed. If that's not amazing enough, at wake-up time we were all talking in bed, when Cassidy took off out of room. I heard the lid of the toilet go up. Pick up your jaws! Yes, she figured she had to go, and went in got on the toilet all by herself. So this morning we said, "What do you want for breakfast? You can have whatever you want." "Gum! Bubble Gum!!" Cassidy had a nice piece of sugar-free wintergreen for breakfast!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Too Busy for Toilet

The title of this blog works for both myself and Cassidy. Now that Keira is crawling all over the place and I am working on getting Cassidy to use the toilet every time it seems that I literally have no free time. You see, I used to think I had no free time, and now that I really have NO free time, I see how lucky I was.

Yesterday Cassidy did a whole day in panties. She's worn them, but with varied success. Seems if she wears pants over the panties, she doesn't feel the need to ask for the toilet. We're working on that. It doesn't happen over night, and if it did, I would be the first to tell you. I really thought she had it yesterday, and then we headed out to Gymboree for a play class with Keira. Half way through as she was talking to me she grabbed her pants. I asked, "Do you need to pee?" A quick shake of the head said "no", but the puddle forming at the base of her feet said otherwise.

So today Cassidy is playing next to Keira, and I need to go. So I decide that while they are busy I should make my break. Well, just 3 seconds after getting seated, Keira starts to cry. Not just a little fuss like, Where did Mommy go?, but the full on wail of, Cassidy just hit/pushed/took away my toy.

So the latest in the Noonan household is: It doesn't matter your age, we are all 'too busy for the toilet'!

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Blog Talk and Mt St Helens

So last night while I was making dinner, and the girls were blissfully entertained by PBS, Jeremy read me an article about blogs that my Mom had sent. It was very odd to hear about other parents who blog about their kids and the cult-like following they have attracted. So far, I believe I only have a few family and friends, but you never know. Perhaps someone in Paraguay has happened on my little blog and falling in love with the life and times of Team Noonan. I mean that entry on poop really was something.

I'm sure most of you have heard about Mt St Helens and her grumblings. The media here have termed it 'clearing her throat'. We have been keeping up to date on her steady progress towards a hopefully safe eruption. We have also been tempted to take a drive down to see her and perhaps take our picture there with the girls. Don't worry grandparents, we already decided against it. We saw Dante's Peak one too many times to risk it!

Friday, October 01, 2004

Miss Manners and Happy Baby

You do your best to teach your toddler manners. Please. Thank You. You're Welcome. But only your toddler can put them to use. You can encourage all you want, but it really is up to them. Cassidy is iffy on the 'please', and good with her 'thank you', but she LOVES 'you're welcome'. This morning after I poured her milk into a bowl of cereal she politely said, Thank you. I smiled and said, You're welcome. "No! You don't say 'you're welcome'. You say 'thank you"." ...ok... So I say, "Thank you" and Cassidy cheerily responds, "You're welcome!"

Keira doesn't say as many funny things, seeing as she doesn't talk, so I have to remember to tell you stories about her as well. Kiki has shown happiness to be with someone by grabbing their face and trying to put her mouth all over them. It's quite funny to watch someone else being mauled by a baby, but when you are the one with a finger up your nose and a slobbery mouth heading right for your eye it doesn't seem so cute! So I'm very pleased that Keira has found her play mirror. She sees herself in the mirror, sees that 'oh so cute' baby and just hast to give her a kiss. It is very entertaining to watch her attack the mirror with an open mouth. And it seems to satisfy her need, so doesn't slobber on me as often. Phew!

Keira, aka Kiki, also seems to have a 'Robyn' trait. Cassidy had it too. She always wakes up happy. It's a joy to pop your head in the morning and be greeted by a face that lights up into a huge grin. Of course, if you want an extra few minutes to get dressed in the morning, don't go peek.