Friday, August 19, 2005


I had 2 totally different days yesterday, so I decided to give each part their own time. I met up with my friend Shawna and her 3 boys (ages 4, 2 and 5 months) at a local park. Cassidy was pretty beat but she had dance class in an hour, so I wanted to keep her awake and exhaust her so she would go to bed early. Shawna's boys are, well, boys, but they are well behaved. They listen to their Mom and only seem to push each other. Some other ladies had gathered in the park too, a group of hippie looking women were having lunch. (This isn't a deregotary term, just a description of clothes and hair.) One of the "hippie-mamas" took her toddler boy off into the bushes to pee. Which, I have seen at other parks without restrooms, but I am pretty sure this one did have them, but I let it go assuming they might be locked. But about 5 minutes later when the same boy is in the play area picking up and throwing the bark, and no one is doing anything, I start to grumble. Especially as he approaches Cassidy and throws it right in her face. I storm over, and the boy sees the look on my face, and started to bee-line it to "hippie-mamas". I used a stern voice, and even while he ran told him that it was not okay to throw at people. The Mama was nowhere to be found and so she failed to parent in that situation. (Yes, she's on trial here folks. Keep reading.) Not another 5 minutes had passed and he is back with a stick. Not so much a 'stick' as a BRANCH off a tree that some other boys had been destroying. He brings it into play area and starts waving it around, and sure enough heads toward Cassidy again. This time I was on my way before he hit her, and arrived shortly after. The "hippie-mama" finally witnessed the event as it was not 5 feet from her luncheon. "Hippie-mama" apologized for her son, and told him in a sweet voice, "See, you made the girl cry. It's not okay to hit with a stick." I asked how old he was, 2. Then she was off again. I was a little surprised as she didn't try to make her son apologize. It was then I started to refer to the group as "Pot-smoking-hippie-moms" since I figured they all must be high or smoked it durning pregnancy to let their kids abuse others with little concern. Then it happened, the final straw. Shwana's 2 year old didn't want to share and was shoving with his brother. She pulled them apart and told the 2 year old he had to wait (difficult for any 2 yo). When he started crying she told him he would have to "go sit down" if he didn't stop. Well, she had to pick him up and put him on a bench. Of course, he tried to get up and she put him back, told him no, and crying continued. It was about this time, I notice 'hippie-mama" looking on and shaking her head at the scene. As if a toddler crying from punishment was worse than George W. getting elected again. I try to be open minded when it comes to other parents style of raising their kids, but I just had it with this lady yesterday as her son repeatedly terrorized my daugter and she stood back and did nothing and then 'judged' someone who I think is doing a good job raising her boys (who have yet to hit, throw or in any way assault my princesses!)