Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Another McDonald's story!!

Keira has been talking up a storm. And at least we know what she doesn't like. We can ask her if she wants juice, and she will say, "No no no." She also says "Ank you" when you give her something, my personal favorite. And she even offers to share her food, but more often asks to share yours with the ever popular, "Bite". Of course, what good blog entry of mine wouldn't include something on McDonald's. I swear I should contact them and see about getting paid for my cute stories. Today Cassidy has a terrible cold, and so Jeremy picked up dinner on the way home. While Cassidy was picking at her fries, she asked Jeremy if he liked the brown ones, and held up an overcooked nub of a fry. Jeremy said no, and Cassidy took a bite, and announced, "Yummy, de-lic-ious!" Then she handed the rest to Jeremy and said, "It's a little bit yucky, but it's very not bad." Let me know if you figure out what that means. LOL