Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Knock knock and more

It's one of those times in life when so many things are happening at once I don't know which way to turn. I was inspired during my weekend away and sent off a few resumes when I got home. Well, actually, yesterday morning. Not that it mattered much as I got a call back last night! Woohoo! I played phone tag all day today, but have an interview scheduled for this Friday. Eeek! It would be a big step and I need to make sure it's going to work. Then last night, Cassidy got the idea of 'knock knock' jokes. Sort of. After watching an episode of Little Bear, she tried this one out, "Knock knock. Who's there? Cow. Cow who? No, Cow's moo and Owl's who!" I said that Grandpa Oma would like these jokes, and she wanted to call him right away and give them a try. 3 year olds have an odd sense of humor though, so anything can be there. "Who's there? Jacket. Jacket who? Jacket's don't who." Or when you try to tell her a joke. "Knock knock. Who's there? Boo. Who Boo?" Well, that sort of defeats the joke.