Thursday, May 17, 2007

Scary Nuns and the uncommon cold

The girls have been watching the movie Mulan a lot lately. It takes place in China, and has the Huns breaking through the Great Wall. We had it on in the car last week, and we here Keira in the back seat, "Scary. Scary Nuns." And they've never gone to Catholic school!

I had the worst cold last week. It was a sore throat that didn't go away for 5 days. Ugh! Lost my voice for 3 days. Kaleb, Christy and Ariannah were supposed to come up last weekend, but we had to cancel due to us perhaps being contagious still. Which we were. Keira has come down with it now. She seems to know that she's got it bad and trying to take advantage. This morning, after she woke up and said her 'tote' hurt, she informed us "I no go to school today, I sick".