Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Operation: Sleep through the night

After Keira pulled an alarming wake up 3 times in one night, and since Jeremy always brings her in to me if he goes to check on her, we had to come up with a new plan of attack. We decided to go with the 'extinction' method. Sounds hard-core and tough because it is. We knew that Keira could handle it though. So after putting her down for the night, we closed her door, instead of leaving it open like we normally do. That way when she woke up at 2:30 am her screaming wouldn't be too loud for us or her sister. After 5 minutes, all was quiet. Then at 3:30 am, she tried a second attack. This time Jeremy broke down and went in, but he only returned her pacifer and was out of there. About 10 minutes later, all was quiet again. 6:45 am, which has been her too early wake up time the last 2 weeks, which was another reason we decided to stop with the waking up at night, she's sleeping like a baby. Of course, Cassidy woke up then. Keeping our fingers crossed that last night was the worst of it.