Wednesday, May 18, 2005

And the runner up is....

We just had a rocking vacation last week, and we are still recovering and trying to get rested. Seeing my friends always does something to me though. Makes me long for the old days before kids. When I could stay out late, sleep in late or do whatever I wanted on a vacation. Someone always says, "You're such a good Mom" which I take as a consolation prize. It's not that anyone thinks I'm less of a person b/c I'm doing the SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) thing, it's that I take it that way. I know it stems from my dissatisfaction. If someone were to say, "You're such a good chemist" while I was still working, I would have taken pride. The problem is I didn't choose to be a SAHM for my career. My problem is I keep finding reasons why I should wait until I get back into the work force, and find myself miserable in the mean time. Ok, I'm not miserable, I'm just not living every moment with my girls as if it was a special gift. Maybe it's me, but I don't find sopping up pee from the carpet b/c my 3yo decided not to go to the toilet a special gift that I should treasure always. In fact, I hope to forget that moment soon, so I don't bring it up at dinner when she's 17.