Sunday, June 12, 2005

Umm...our new house ROCKS!

I don't usually like to go on about material possesions, but I really have to talk about our new house. Today we headed off to Toys R Us to get some extra sand and picked up a play table for train sets and such too. We got to the new house and the sun was out (which is amazing as we have had very wet cold weather this week). Jeremy dumped the new sand in the box under th play yard and then he and I ate sandwiches while the girls played and played. I unloaded a few of the kitchen boxes that we had already brought over while the girls played upstairs. Later (after naps) we went back and put together the train table, which came with a little train set and tracks. The girls never stop moving while we are there and so far they haven't even cared that there's no TV. Hmmm.. I might be on to something. The bonus room will be without TV for awhile at least. Jeremy and I keep giggling because we can't believe we are going to live there. It was such a beautiful day and we just sat admiring the view. I am really looking forward to getting settled in, and changing the paint in the dining room!