Saturday, October 09, 2004

Blog Talk and Mt St Helens

So last night while I was making dinner, and the girls were blissfully entertained by PBS, Jeremy read me an article about blogs that my Mom had sent. It was very odd to hear about other parents who blog about their kids and the cult-like following they have attracted. So far, I believe I only have a few family and friends, but you never know. Perhaps someone in Paraguay has happened on my little blog and falling in love with the life and times of Team Noonan. I mean that entry on poop really was something.

I'm sure most of you have heard about Mt St Helens and her grumblings. The media here have termed it 'clearing her throat'. We have been keeping up to date on her steady progress towards a hopefully safe eruption. We have also been tempted to take a drive down to see her and perhaps take our picture there with the girls. Don't worry grandparents, we already decided against it. We saw Dante's Peak one too many times to risk it!