Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Working 9 to 5

Well, I started the new job yesterday. It is WONDERFUL. It was great getting into the lab again, and seeing familiar things. After seeing what the job is about, I feel like I'll be quite comfortable in just a few weeks. I already started processing data today. :) That was fun. The commute is sort of long, but I enjoy listening to the radio, or my CD's on the way in. On the way home, I call one of my SAHM friends and we chat for a few. The amazing thing is I did some dishes and a load of laundry before I left for my first day or work, and I did some more laundry and work this morning. I love coming home to the girls who run into my arms and give me big hugs that were reserved for just Daddy before. The girls seem happy enough with our regular sitter watching them everyday now. It really is turning out to be all that I hoped. Let's hope it stays that way!