Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Grandpa-Only Store

Jeremy is off to a screenwriting class this weekend, so I would be flying solo with hte girls for about 4 days, except I called my parents and begged them to stay with me. Instead of being a weekend where the girls torture me and I wonder how I will keep them entertained it has been a whirlwind of adventure for all of us. I specificaly wanted help to remove the hideous wallpaper from Cassidy's walls, and Fiday night we went to Home Depot to gather up some supplies. Saturday, the fury started, we went out to check on the salmon run in some small creeks. We didn't see any salmon, but at least made a trip to the animal farm. Then it was back home for Keira's nap and the removal of everything from Cassidy's room. The removal took quite some time (about 4 hours off-and-on for 3 adults) Yikes! It was a lot of work. We were ready to go eat after that and headed to the Downtown Center. They have a candy store there that Cassidy figured out what it was a few visits ago. When she asked to go in, I thought I was being pretty creative when I said, "I can't go in there. Only Grandpa's can go in that store." So as we are telling Cassidy what restaurant we are going to, she asks, "Is that where the chinese food restaurant is?" "Yes" "Oh. Is that where the bears you can play on are?" "Yes" "You know what that means? This is where the candy store that only Grandpas can go in is. And I have Grandpa!" Steel trap for a brain! Thankfully Grandpa was obliging and took her in and let her pick out ONE thing. One huge lollipop about as big as her!!