Sunday, October 30, 2005

Oma the Artist

I took the girls to the book store after Cassidy's haircut. I was hoping to find some books on Thanksgiving, but the girls were more interested in running around. Until Cassidy found the thumb print book for Christmas designs. So you get a stamp pad and it teaches you how to use your thumb prints to make things like a stocking, santa, and his sleigh. Yesterday Jeremy and I were trying to watch the Penn State game, and to keep Cassidy busy. Jeremy busted out the book with Cassidy, and the proceeded to stamp away. Jeremy made a nice sleigh, and asked, "How's that?" Cassidy said, "Oma could do it better." Us, laughing! "C'mon, that looks pretty good." Cassidy tapped the sleigh and gave Daddy an "I have eyes, Dad, let's not fool ourselves."