Thursday, September 02, 2004

Smart Kids, a curse?

I remember my Mom telling me how amazing are little ones memories. I had my first experience with Cassidy the other morning. While getting her dressed we were talking about the dog on her shirt. She suddenly told me that Oma (that's my Mom) has a dog. Which isn't true. So I thought perhaps she was telling me a story. So I asked what is the dog's name. She paused, and I suggested, 'Sparky'. She immediately said, "No. It's Shelby." And like in a movie, my memory flew back through images to May when we visited my parents in Lake Tahoe and there was a dog who played on the beach with us one day and it's name was....SHELBY! Amazing! A steel trap I tell you. Good thing I don't drive in bad traffic anymore!

Yesterday morning, while waitng for Nana and Grampa Noonan to arrive, Cassidy asked to watch TV in Mommy and Daddy's bed. We let her, and came downstairs to play with Keira. After several minutes, "Daddy!" comes from upstairs, so Jeremy yelled back up, "Yes, Cassidy?" "I want a peanut butter granola bar." "Then come downstairs and I'll give you one." *pause* "No, Daddy, you bring it upstairs." "But everyone is downstairs, come down and you can watch TV and have your snack." "No, Daddy. *I'm* upstairs, bring it upstairs." How do they figure things out so quickly??