Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Who needs sleep?

So Jeremy and I have finally found a baby sitter and have been attending 'date night' for most of the summer. How nice it was to get out by ourselves ... for the first month. But then Cassidy decided to stop taking naps, and not going to bed until 9:30 at night. She was sleeping the same time as I was so I knew she had to be tired. I was! Well, we did a lot of work, and Cassidy is now more rested, but she's ususally in bed by about 6:30. Which would be 1 hour after date night starts. So we have been taking 'brief' dates. Which usually just involve some dinner. Date night has became a pain for me since Cassidy usually stays up past her new bed time, and gets tired, and then stays up later, and is fussy. So that 45 minutes of peace and relaxation just doesn't compare to the 2 hours of torture after. Well, last night Cassidy had fallen asleep when we got home. Woohoo! I was looking forward to relaxing and getting some of 'my' stuff done (reading a book, working on crafts). was so nice and quiet. Went up to bed at 9. Thinking, what a perfect date night. So at 10, was it a surprise when Keira started fussing? No. Was it a surprise that she was up from 10-12 screaming her head off if you laid her down? No. She has a cold, so she's been pretty stuffy Was it a surprise when she woke up at 6 and didn't want to go back to sleep? No. And what about when Cassidy came in at 6:20? No. So we are changing 'date night' to a 'date afternoon' on the weekend. Now I have to see if I can take a nap while the Keira's napping and Cassidy's watching Sesame Street. *yawn*