Saturday, January 22, 2005

All powerful Moms and make-up

It's another two story blog. Sorry, folks, but I don't have the chance to write every day. Besides it makes for interesting titles. :) On Friday Jeremy had an appointment so I had to take Cassidy to school. Things were going well, until we turned a corner and the sun came pouring into the car. Well, Cassidy has no tolerance for sun in her eyes. "Aaahh! You turned the sun on Mom!" Do you know how hard it is to not laugh at that?? "The sun came out from behind the clouds." "No! You turned the sun on!" "I wish I had that power, Cassidy, but I can't turn the sun on." "Yes, you did. You turned the sun on." So perhaps Cassidy is buying into the idea that 'Mom' knows all, sees all, and can yes even control the sun. Let's hope. LOL
Friday night also happens to be 'date night'. When Jeremy and I escape the house of fussing children and hit the town. Usually dinner, as movie times haven't been working out well for us lately. Last night I decided that I should put forth some effort and actually put on make-up. Cassidy was watching me, and I had to answer all the "Why" questions of a toddler. So after awhile (10 minutes of non-stop pleading) I gave Cassidy an old blusher and brush so she could put on make-up too. She did look awful cute with rosy cheeks. All was fine until this morning when she wanted to put on MORE make-up. "No, Cassidy. See, Mommy isn't wearing make-up today. It's a no make-up day." "NO!! I need make-up. It makes me pretty!!" Amazing what kids pick up from a conversation you are just getting through to finish your date preparation.