Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Keira had her year exam the day after her birthday. Is she walking yet? No, but any day. Is she talking yet? No, but she does make sounds. Suddenly I started to feel a little behind. We get home and Cassidy and she start playing. They are working on the puzzle Cassidy got for Christmas. It has fish with magnets that you fish out of the puzzle. Very cute. Keira is sitting there using the rod to dangle the magnet over the fish and pull up the fish from the puzzle. Wait a minute?! That's pretty complex stuff. Then I think back to Christmas when Cassidy got a doll that takes a bottle to stop her crying and I realize that Keira has been giving the doll her bottle. Well, all that walking and talking stuff might be over-rated when you consider my child's problem solving skills. :) Then she surprised us the next day by saying bye-bye and waving back to us when we said bye-bye. She's made the 'buh' sound before, and with babies they usually repeat the sound several times. So I think she's known this one for awhile, but just made it real obvious that she does know what she's talking about. "Bye-bye"