Sunday, February 13, 2005

Princess of Everything!

Let me start out by saying that today is a day of sickness in our house. 3 out of 4 Noonans seem to be fighting a cold, which means by tonight we should be to 100% sickness. Just in case I make any errors, my brain is checked out.

Cassidy went through a princess phase this fall. She wanted to dress up like a princess, she wanted princess panties. She got plastic high heels and a tiara at Christmas, and loves to wear those heels. How she walks in them I don't know. So you think the "Princess of Everything" would be her. Nope. It's me. I have taken to popping on the tiara while doing my daily duties. You see, doing the dishes, or folding laundry doesn't seem as mundane when you're royalty. I know feel that all women should have a tiara and wear it whenever they see fit. If a man is 'king of his castle' shouldn't the woman be 'queen' or 'princess'? I prefer princess as queens seem to have an older vibe going. Besides, a princess is young and vivacious, just like me. :) So I declare myself "Princess of Everything"! Now to see if I can switch out with Jeremy to get a nap.