Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Adventures of Pineapple

Yesterday morning Cassidy asked if I would like a story about dinosaurs or pineapple. She had already taken one of her books and read a dinosaur story (meaning, she made one up). I chose pineapple to mix it up a bit. She then told me the story of "Pineapple". Here it is as best as I can remember. One day "Pineapple" was walking on some ducks. It hurt the ducks when "Pineapple" walked on them and so they decided to eat "Pineapple" all up. That made "Pineapple" sad and he cried. (Flip a page.) "Pinapple" was walking on some chickens, and it hurt the chickens, so they ate "Pineapple" all up.
Moral of the story, don't walk on anything that can eat you!