Thursday, July 14, 2005

Busy Days

Phew! Cassidy just had a very busy day, which means Keira and I have been very busy too. We started out slow enough, Cassidy playing, Keira napping, me doing laundry, and then we got the call to go over to CJ's house for a pool party (kiddie pool). So we played there and had some fun, then it was a quick run home for snacks before we headed off to Cassidy's 1st Dance Play class. Keira and I got to leave her in there (otherwise Keira would have joined the class or screamed through it) and we did some walking around outside. Then we met Jeremy for dinner and then it was off to Cassidy's tennis class. She loves it, but 45 min is a bit long for her to focus on the court. I am beat, Keira's been asleep for almost an hour, and thankfully Jeremy is putting Cassidy down now. How she is still awake, I have no clue. The rest of the summer should be more low key. We just had an overlap of classes today and the start of a heat wave. I know, 80's doesn't seem like a heat wave, but for us it is!