Monday, July 18, 2005

Keeping up

Keira is trying to be a 3 year old. When Cassidy was this age, she was happy with who she was. Loving life as a toddler with no siblings. Keira on the other hand, watches what her sister does, and thinks, "Why not me?" She climbs into the kitchen tables and wants to eat there (even at restaurants, she threw a nice fit last night). She climbs into Cassidy's bed and will lay down if she wants some quiet time. And today, I found her climbing on some brick decorative pieces we have out front. Cassidy was climbing them yesterday and again today, so Keira just did it. I didn't know she could climb them, as I'm sure she had quite a reach to get to them, but she did it. And boy did she look proud! I should have snapped a picture, but that would have involved getting the camera, and I wasn't going to leave her up there!!