Tuesday, March 15, 2005

BabySocks coming soon!

Today was quite a busy day. The whole fam hopped in the car and took Cassidy to a full day of preschool, so that the rest of us could drive down to Tacoma for a meeting with the apparel manufacturer. We had to go over a few things, like measurements and making sure labels would work, etc. Then they whipped up a sample for us. Well, it sounds like it didn't take long at all, but we were there for close to 2 hours. Mind you, this meeting started about the time Keira likes to take her nap. She did very well though until the last half hour, but she got to sleep like a champ on the ride home though. We were able to see our fleece, which was really cool. The colors look even better on a big roll then on the little swatch. We also learned that we will need to order one more thing and then it's off to production. Looks like 6 weeks before we have product. *sigh* It's hard to wait when it's been in our minds for so long. Sort of like waiting for Keira to arrive, seemed like the day would never come! LOL!