Thursday, March 03, 2005

My Swedish Daughter

Shortly after Cassidy started talking, we noticed that on occasion she would speak in an unusual cadence. It was cute, but we realized it sounded like she had a Swedish accent. She didn't do it always, otherwise it would be on video already. As she has progressed in her language, it seems that it had disappeared ... until this morning. We asked what she would like for breakfast, and she replied in a Swedish accent, "I would like some pancakes." Jeremy and I looked at each other. There it is again. Now, I can see it happening if she had ever heard one before, but we don't have the Muppet Show's Chef on TV anymore I know it wasn't there. I checked and Baby Einstein's Language Nursery says nothing about Swedish, Norwegian, or even Finnish for that matter. We watch a lot of BBC America, so I could see her asking people to come up the apples and pairs to see her room, but still no shows about Swedes. I think I will be checking our family lineage next.