Saturday, March 26, 2005

Dyeing Easter Eggs and Why I love Fridays

So many times I try to give you the cute and funny things that the girls did. I'm usually not so good with touching moments, and pleasant memories seem like they will be a bore to others, but I'll write them anway. ;)
I love Fridays! Cassidy goes to school, we come home and have lunch, then it's off to music class. Which both the girls love! We've been hanging around afterward the last few times and playing with the other kids on the playground. Which is great because I get some socializing in as well. Then we head home, get some dinner, and then the babysitter comes over! Woohoo! Last night Jeremy and I hit the book store, and I considered picking up a journal that I could print out my blogs and paste them into. Sort of a way to preserve all the memories in case of a server crash.
Tonght we dyed Easter Eggs. Well, Cassidy and I did. Keira was too busy running around and so Jeremy volunteered to watch TV and play harmonica to keep her busy. I wish I would have taken some pictures, but I guess tomorrow. Anyway, Cassidy did well at following directions, and we only lost 2 to being dropped. She had fun talking to the eggs. "Do you want to go in here? Yes. Ok." Then leaned in over the cup, "He says he wants to come out."