Sunday, March 20, 2005

The power of drugs!

So it all started in the summer of 2001. The little stick had 2 lines, and I went in and told Jeremy we were going to have a baby. At that point, your life changes forever and you have to make sacrifices. Yeah, yeah, the baby will change things, but I'm talking about the REAL sacrifices. Because the baby brings down your immune system, I had cold after cold. The only problem, you can't take anything that might ease your suffering b/c it can affect the baby. Then for the year after Cassidy's birth, I was nursing, and again, anytime I caught something I could not take any drugs. When it finally looked like I would be able to partake of OTC's again (that's Over the Counter drugs for the grandparents who are now wondering where this is all going), we were expecting Keira, and the cycle started all over again. This week, Cassidy brought home a cold and shared it with the family. So last night, I decided that since Keira is down to 1 or 2 nursings a day that I could risk taking some cold medicine to help me breath. So I popped a Sudafed. Whoa! Maybe it was the cold, but I had crazy dreams, waking up every few hours and thankfully a clear nasal passage. When I was asleep I was out like a light. I think I might need to *ease* back into the OTC's.